ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 310602

Questions 5
Words accommodate, opportune, pantomime, procrastinate, supple

Study Guide

The definition for accommodate is "To give consideration to." Used in a sentence: The hospitable couple was happy to accommodate the needs of their finicky guest.
The definition for opportune is "Suitable or convenient." Used in a sentence: Quan stepped onto the platform at the most opportune time, just as the train pulled in.
The definition for pantomime is "Telling a story through gestures." Used in a sentence: The jealous actress called her understudy's performance a ridiculous pantomime.
The definition for procrastinate is "To put off intentionally." Used in a sentence: Yvonne's father urged, "Don't procrastinate. Clean your room right away."
The definition for supple is "Flexible." Used in a sentence: The supple leather coat draped like soft cloth around her shoulders.