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Sample Practice Test Questions

Word Knowledge
Futile most nearly means:
Without purpose, completely ineffective.
Shop Information

Which of the following tools are you more likely to use when woodworking?


A chisel has a long sharp edge and is used, often in conjunction with a hammer, for cutting. In woodworking, chisels are used to remove large sections of wood to create the initial shape of a design. In metalworking, chisels are used to remove waste metal when a smooth finish is not required.

Arithmetic Reasoning

The total water usage for a city is 50,000 gallons each day. Of that total, 32% is for personal use and 59% is for industrial use. How many more gallons of water each day is consumed for industrial use over personal use?


59% of the water consumption is industrial use and 32% is personal use so (59% - 32%) = 27% more water is used for industrial purposes. 50,000 gallons are consumed daily so industry consumes \( \frac{27}{100} \) x 50,000 gallons = 13,500 gallons.

Mechanical Comprehension
10.5 ft. The green box weighs 10 lbs. and a 35 lbs. weight is placed 3 ft. from the fulcrum at the blue arrow. How far from the fulcrum would the green box need to be placed to balance the lever?
10.5 ft.

To balance this lever the torques on each side of the fulcrum must be equal. Torque is weight x distance from the fulcrum so the equation for equilibrium is:

Rada = Rbdb

where a represents the left side of the fulcrum and b the right, R is resistance (weight) and d is the distance from the fulcrum.

Solving for da, our missing value, and plugging in our variables yields:

da = \( \frac{R_bd_b}{R_a} \) = \( \frac{35 lbs. \times 3 ft.}{10 lbs.} \) = \( \frac{105 ft⋅lb}{10 lbs.} \) = 10.5 ft.

Automotive Information

Opposed cylinder designs feature two rows of cylinders that are placed at what angle to each other?


Opposed cylinder designs place cylinders flat in two rows 180° opposite each other with a single crankshaft running between them.

Arithmetic Reasoning

23 members of a bridal party need transported to a wedding reception but there are only 4 5-passenger taxis available to take them. How many will need to find other transportation?


There are 4 5-passenger taxis available so that's 4 x 5 = 20 total seats. There are 23 people needing transportation leaving 23 - 20 = 3 who will have to find other transportation.

Automotive Information

The distributor is responsible for:

timing the spark and distributing it to the correct cylinder

The distributor is driven by the engine's camshaft and is responsible for timing the spark and distributing it to the correct cylinder. The distributor cap contains a rotor that connects the ignition coil (and its high voltage) to the proper cylinder at the proper point in the stroke cycle.

Automotive Information

What is the name of the proper ratio of air to fuel necessary so that an engine burns all fuel with no excess air?

stoichiometric ratio

The stoichiometric ratio defines the proper ratio of air to fuel necessary so that an engine burns all fuel with no excess air. For gasoline fuel, the stoichiometric ratio is about 14.7:1 or for every one gram of fuel, 14.7 grams of air are required. Too much air results in a lean air-fuel mixture that burns more slowly and hotter while too much fuel results in a rich mixture that burns quicker and cooler.

General Science

Menstruation occurs when:

the ovum fails to become fertilized

If the ovum fails to become fertilized, the lining of the uterus sloughs off during menstruation. From puberty to menopause, this cycle of menstruation repeats monthly (except during pregnancy).

General Science

Which of the following is metamorphic rock?


The Earth's rocks fall into three categories based on how they're formed. Igneous rock (granite, basalt, obsidian) is formed from the hardening of molten rock (lava), sedimentary rock (shale, sandstone, coal) is formed by the gradual despositing and cementing of rock and other debris, and metamorphic rock (marble, slate, quartzite) which is formed when existing rock is altered though pressure, temperature, or chemical processes.