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Sample Practice Test Questions

Electronics Information

The joule is a unit of measurement for:


The joule is a unit of measurement for energy.

Mechanical Comprehension
3 What is the mechanical advantage of this inclined plane if the length of the ramp is 24 ft. and the height of the green box is 8 ft.?

The mechanical advantage (MA) of an inclined plane is the effort distance divided by the resistance distance. In this case, the effort distance is the length of the ramp and the resistance distance is the height of the green box:

MA = \( \frac{d_e}{d_r} \) = \( \frac{24 ft.}{8 ft.} \) = 3

Word Knowledge
Elate most nearly means:
To fill with joy.
Word Knowledge
Comprehensible most nearly means:
General Science

Which of the following is the correct order for types of radiation from longest to shortest wavelength?

radio waves → visible light → gamma rays

The electromagnetic spectrum covers all possible wavelengths and frequencies of radiation.  From lowest frequency (longest wavelength) to highest frequency (shortest wavelength) radiation: radio waves → microwaves → infrared waves → visible light → ultraviolet light → X-rays → gamma rays.

Word Knowledge
Sarah thought George's ploy of borrowing her notes was a cowardly way to ask her out.
A contrived plan.
Electronics Information

You would measure the amount of resistance at a certain point in a circuit with a(n):


Resistance is opposition to the flow of current and is measured in ohms (Ω). An ohmmeter is used to measure the amount of resistance at a certain point in a circuit.

General Science

An element in the physical state of __________ maintains neither a constant volume nor a constant shape.


The gaseous state occurs at a higher temperature range than the solid and liquid states of the same substance. In this state, molecules flow very freely around each other and will spread out as far as they're able. Gases maintain neither a constant volume nor a constant shape.

General Science

What kind of weather front is likely to create clouds and storms?

warm front

A warm front is the boundary between warm and cool (or cold) air when the warm air is replacing the cold air. Warm air at the surface pushes above the cool air mass creating clouds and storms.

General Science

Tertiary consumers eat which of the following?

primary and secondary consumers

Tertiary consumers eat primary consumers and secondary consumers and are typically carnivorous predators. Tertiary consumers may also be omnivores. Examples include wolves, sharks, and human beings.