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Sample Practice Test Questions

Word Knowledge
Regale most nearly means:
To amuse.
Word Knowledge
Trevor decided to freeze the surplus chili for next week's tailgate party.
Electronics Information

Which of these materials is not a good conductor of electricity?


All conductors have resistance and the amount of resistance varies with the element. In general, metals make the best conductors of electricity and non-metals make the worst conductors of electricity.

Word Knowledge
Lurid most nearly means:
Causing horror, shocking.
Automotive Information

In a four-stroke piston cycle, one piston is always:

all of these are correct

In a four-stroke cycle engine there is always one piston delivering power, one exhausting gases, one drawing in the air-fuel mixture, and one compressing that mixture.

Mechanical Comprehension

Two gears are connected and the smaller gear drives the larger gear. The speed of rotation will __________ and the torque will __________.

decrease, increase

Connected gears of different numbers of teeth are used together to change the rotational speed and torque of the input force. If the smaller gear drives the larger gear, the speed of rotation will be reduced and the torque will increase. If the larger gear drives the smaller gear, the speed of rotation will increase and the torque will be reduced.

Word Knowledge
Induce most nearly means:
To influence or cause.
Math Knowledge

What is 9a - 7a?


To combine like terms, add or subtract the coefficients (the numbers that come before the variables) of terms that have the same variable raised to the same exponent.

9a - 7a = 2a

Automotive Information

Which of the following maintains pressure in the cooling system?

radiator cap

The radiator is responsible for tranferring heat from the coolant to the outside air. Radiator hoses transfer coolant to and from the engine to the radiator and a radiator cap maintains pressure in the cooling system to increase the boiling point of the coolant mixture and thus allow it to absorb more heat.

Word Knowledge
Apathetic most nearly means:
Showing little or no emotion.