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Sample Practice Test Questions

Word Knowledge
Sarah thought George's ploy of borrowing her notes was a cowardly way to ask her out.
A contrived plan.
Automotive Information

The fuel injectors are fed fuel by the:

electric fuel pump

The electric fuel pump feeds pressurized fuel through a fuel filter to the fuel injectors via the fuel rail manifold. The fuel rail contains the fuel pressure regulator which ensures that the fuel injectors receive fuel at a consistent and known rate. Excess fuel bled off by the pressure regulator returns to the fuel tank through the fuel return line.

General Science

The envelope of gases surrounding the planet is called the:


The biosphere is the global ecological system integrating all living beings and their relationships. This includes their interactions with the lithosphere (the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle), hydrosphere (all surface water), and atmosphere (the envelope of gases surrounding the planet).

Word Knowledge
Camaraderie most nearly means:
Spirit of friendship.
Word Knowledge
Prudent most nearly means:
Marked by wisdom, shrewd.
Shop Information

You've bored a large hole in a piece of wood to insert a doorknob. Which of these tools would you use to smooth the edges of the hole?


Files consist of diagonal rows of fine teeth and are used for fine finishing work to smooth, polish, or shape objects. Rasps are files with larger teeth that are used for coarse finishing work. Both files and rasps are designed to be inserted into detachable handles.

Automotive Information

The ignition coil is a(n):

step-up transformer

The ignition coil steps up the 12 volts available from the battery or alternator to a voltage of 30,000 or more volts at the spark plug. Converting a lower voltage input into a higher voltage output makes the ignition coil a step-up transformer.

Word Knowledge
After Kal's father revoked his allowance, he had no money for the movies.
To cancel by taking back.
General Science

Molecules and atoms that are outputs from a chemical reaction are known as which of the following?


During a chemical reaction molecules and atoms (reactants) are rearranged into new combinations that result in new kinds of atoms or molecules (products).

Automotive Information

Power brakes multiply the force a driver applies to the brake pedal using a __________ connected to the engine intake manifold.

vacuum booster

Power brakes multiply the force a driver applies to the brake pedal using a vacuum booster connected to the engine intake manifold. This provides for much higher hydraulic pressure in the braking system than could be generated by the driver alone. Antilock brakes (ABS) use speed sensors and adjust the brake pressure at each wheel to prevent skidding and allow the driver more steering control in slippery conditions.