ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 342003

Questions 5
Words derivative, eloquent, epistolary, gargantuan, proximity

Study Guide

The definition for derivative is "Lacking originality." Used in a sentence: Critics panned the movie as a derivative version of last year's Best Picture.
The definition for eloquent is "Fluent, expressive." Used in a sentence: Kim, an eloquent speaker, was the best choice to make the presentation for the group.
The definition for epistolary is "Contained or carried on in letters." Used in a sentence: The shoebox filled with letters was the ony remains of Ming's epistolary friendship with Emile.
The definition for gargantuan is "Gigantic." Used in a sentence: The gargantuan monster towered over the ten–story bulding.
The definition for proximity is "Closeness." Used in a sentence: The proximity of Tia's house to school meant that she could walk there in five minutes.