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Sample Practice Test Questions

General Science

The heat from the Sun traveling to Earth is an example of which of the following?


Radiation occurs when electromagnetic waves transmit heat. An example is the heat from the Sun as it travels to Earth.

General Science

The __________ nervous system controls voluntary actions.


Part of the peripheral nervous system, the somatic nervous system is made up of nerve fibers that send sensory information to the central nervous system and control voluntary actions.

Shop Information

Which of the following tools are you more likely to use when woodworking?


A chisel has a long sharp edge and is used, often in conjunction with a hammer, for cutting. In woodworking, chisels are used to remove large sections of wood to create the initial shape of a design. In metalworking, chisels are used to remove waste metal when a smooth finish is not required.

General Science

The angle of reflection is equal to which the following?

angle of incidence

The law of reflection specifies how waves, including light waves, bounce off of surfaces. Specifically, the angle of incidence of the approaching wave is equal to the angle of reflection of the reflected wave as measured from a line perpendicular (90°) to the surface.

Word Knowledge
Regale most nearly means:
To amuse.
General Science

In the classification of life, which of the following is not a kingdom?


Below domain, life is classified into six kingdoms: plants, animals, archaebacteria, eubacteria, and fungi. The last kingdom, protists, include all microscopic organisms that are not bacteria, animals, plants or fungi.  (Archaebacteria and eubacteria are sometimes combined into a single kingdom, monera.)

General Science

Which of blood component carries oxygen?

red blood cells

Blood is created in bone marrow and is made up of cells suspended in liquid plasma. Red blood cells carry oxygen, white blood cells fight infection, and platelets are cell fragments that allow blood to clot.

Electronics Information

In an electrical circuit, resistors have fixed or __________ resistance.


Resistors are used to limit voltage and/or current in a circuit and can have a fixed or variable resistance.  Variable resistors (often called potentiometers or rheostats) are used when dynamic control over the voltage/current in a circuit is needed, for example, in a light dimmer or volume control.

Automotive Information

Which of the following is not a function of a car battery?

acts as a supplemental source of energy to moderate engine performance

The lead-acid battery is the core of the electrical system, providing current to the ignition system to start the engine as well as delivering supplemental current when the alternator can't handle high electrical system loads and acting as an electrical reservoir for excessive current.

Arithmetic Reasoning

What is \( \frac{4}{6} \) + \( \frac{4}{14} \)?


To add these fractions, first find the lowest common multiple of their denominators. The first few multiples of 6 are [6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60] and the first few multiples of 14 are [14, 28, 42, 56, 70, 84, 98]. The first few multiples they share are [42, 84] making 42 the smallest multiple 6 and 14 share.

Next, convert the fractions so each denominator equals the lowest common multiple:

\( \frac{4 x 7}{6 x 7} \) + \( \frac{4 x 3}{14 x 3} \)

\( \frac{28}{42} \) + \( \frac{12}{42} \)

Now, because the fractions share a common denominator, you can add them:

\( \frac{28 + 12}{42} \) = \( \frac{40}{42} \) = \(\frac{20}{21}\)