ASVAB Math Knowledge Practice Test 184083

Questions 5
Topics Coordinate Grid, Operations Involving Monomials, Parallel Lines, Parallelogram, Rhombus

Study Guide

Coordinate Grid

The coordinate grid is composed of a horizontal x-axis and a vertical y-axis. The center of the grid, where the x-axis and y-axis meet, is called the origin.

Operations Involving Monomials

You can only add or subtract monomials that have the same variable and the same exponent. However, you can multiply and divide monomials with unlike terms.

Parallel Lines

Parallel lines are lines that share the same slope (steepness) and therefore never intersect. A transversal occurs when a set of parallel lines are crossed by another line. All of the angles formed by a transversal are called interior angles and angles in the same position on different parallel lines equal each other (a° = w°, b° = x°, c° = z°, d° = y°) and are called corresponding angles. Alternate interior angles are equal (a° = z°, b° = y°, c° = w°, d° = x°) and all acute angles (a° = c° = w° = z°) and all obtuse angles (b° = d° = x° = y°) equal each other. Same-side interior angles are supplementary and add up to 180° (e.g. a° + d° = 180°, d° + c° = 180°).


A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two sets of parallel sides. Opposite sides (a = c, b = d) and angles (red = red, blue = blue) are equal. The area of a parallelogram is base x height and the perimeter is the sum of the lengths of all sides (a + b + c + d).


A rhombus has four equal-length sides with opposite sides parallel to each other. The perimiter is the sum of the lengths of all sides (a + b + c + d) or, because all sides are the same length, 4 x length of one side (4s).