ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 44576

Questions 5
Words avian, commemorate, extol, liability, servile

Study Guide

The definition for avian is "Relating to birds." Used in a sentence: The old man affectionately referred to pigeons as his "avian friends."
The definition for commemorate is "To mark by a ceremony." Used in a sentence: Each year, the Franklins commemorate their anniversary by visiting the site of their first date.
The definition for extol is "To praise highly." Used in a sentence: The statesman extolled the ambassador who single–handedly negotiated the peace treaty.
The definition for liability is "A person or thing whose presence or behavior is likely to cause embarrassment or put one at a disadvantage." Used in a sentence: Kevin's growing fatigue was a liability as he attempted to climb the steep hill.
The definition for servile is "Fearfully submissive." Used in a sentence: Felicia's servile attitude annoyed her boss, who preferred an assistant with more backbone.