ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 333419

Questions 5
Words aesthete, euphoria, genial, hedonism, induce

Study Guide

The definition for aesthete is "Person having or affecting sensitivity to beauty." Used in a sentence: Consuela's friends called her an aesthete when she claimed that Monet's paintings made her cry.
The definition for euphoria is "Feeling of great happiness." Used in a sentence: Cassandra was overcome with euphoria when she met her long–lost sister.
The definition for genial is "Sympathetic, friendly." Used in a sentence: The genial host warmly greeted his many guests.
The definition for hedonism is "Belief that pleasure is the sole aim of life." Used in a sentence: The hedonism of the emperoro, who spent all his time giving parties, caused his downfall.
The definition for induce is "To influence or cause." Used in a sentence: The loud blast of the cannon induced an avalanche.