ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 610322

Questions 5
Words aerate, buffoonery, condone, immoderate, scapegoat

Study Guide

The definition for aerate is "To supply with air." Used in a sentence: Every spring, Soloman used his tiller to aerate the compact soil.
The definition for buffoonery is "Foolish behavior." Used in a sentence: Clarence, an irrepressible comic, was held after cass for his buffoonery.
The definition for condone is "To treat as acceptable." Used in a sentence: Crystal condoned her friend's late arrival because she found it hard to be on time herself.
The definition for immoderate is "Beyond usual or proper limits." Used in a sentence: Bob's immoderate appetite shocked the guests at the wedding banquet.
The definition for scapegoat is "Someone who bears the blame for others." Used in a sentence: Audrey used her innocent baby brother as a scapegoat for the missing cookies.