ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 545334

Questions 5
Words catastrophic, corroborate, pantomime, punctual, rehash

Study Guide

The definition for catastrophic is "Relating to extreme misfortune." Used in a sentence: The effects of the massive hurricane were catastrophic.
The definition for corroborate is "To support with evidence." Used in a sentence: "Unless you can corroborate your story, it will not be admissible in court," the attorney told his client.
The definition for pantomime is "Telling a story through gestures." Used in a sentence: The jealous actress called her understudy's performance a ridiculous pantomime.
The definition for punctual is "On time." Used in a sentence: Ron was worried when the usually punctual Amanda was late for the show.
The definition for rehash is "To discuss again." Used in a sentence: "Sandra," said her mother, "I am tired of rehashing this same topic over and over."