ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 690500

Questions 5
Words archetypal, prominence, raspy, refurbish, stern

Study Guide

The definition for archetypal is "Characteristic of the original model or perfect example." Used in a sentence: Shakespeare's sonnets are considered archetypal love poems
The definition for prominence is "Importance." Used in a sentence: The singer's prominence ensured that the concert would sell out.
The definition for raspy is "rough, grating." Used in a sentence: After shouting to his players through the long game, the coach's voice was raspy.
The definition for refurbish is "To brighten or freshen." Used in a sentence: Leeanne cleaned and mended all weekend to refurbish the shabby apartment.
The definition for stern is "Harsh, severe." Used in a sentence: The stern principal canceled the prom after the seniors played a silly prank.