ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 180189

Questions 5
Words disconcert, moderate, mundane, repel, repentant

Study Guide

The definition for disconcert is "To throw into confusion." Used in a sentence: Jennifer's outspoken criticism of the meal disoncerted the waiter.
The definition for moderate is "Tending toward the average." Used in a sentence: The best–selling writer was disappointed; his new novel was only a moderate success.
The definition for mundane is "Practical, ordinary." Used in a sentence: The flighty Caroline could not be troubled with mundane tasks such as paying her bills.
The definition for repel is "To resist, reject." Used in a sentence: The soldiers made a massive charge to repel the invaders.
The definition for repentant is "Feeling regret." Used in a sentence: The repentant Dana admitted to cheating on the test.