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Sample Practice Test Questions

Electronics Information
series circuit

This circuit diagram represents a(n):

series circuit

A series circuit has only one path for current to flow. In a series circuit, current (I) is the same throughout the circuit and is equal to the total voltage (V) applied to the circuit divided by the total resistance (R) of the loads in the circuit. The sum of the voltage drops across each resistor in the circuit will equal the total voltage applied to the circuit.

General Science

Which of the following is not a medium for sound waves?


A vibrating object produces a sound wave that travels outwardly from the object through a medium (any liquid or solid matter). The vibration disturbs the particles in the surrounding medium, those particles disturb the particules next to them, and so on, as the sound propagates away from the vibration.

Word Knowledge
The story about the actress in the gossip column was a distortion of the truth.
The act of twisting out of shape.
Word Knowledge
Helen will only accept something of comparable value for her ticket to the concert.
Similar, equivalent.
Mechanical Comprehension
lengthen the ramp

Which of the following will increase the mechanical advantage of this inclined plane?

lengthen the ramp

The mechanical advantage (MA) of an inclined plane is the effort distance divided by the resistance distance. In order to increase mechanical advantage, this ratio must increase which means making the effort distance longer and this can be accomplished by lengthening the length of the ramp.

General Science

Water coming to a boil on a stove, ice melting, and steam from a cup of coffee are all examples of which of the following? 


Convection is the transfer of heat by the circulation or movement of the heated parts of a liquid or gas.

Word Knowledge
Elate most nearly means:
To fill with joy.
Mechanical Comprehension

What type of load doesn't create specific stress points or vary with time?

static uniformly distributed load

A concentrated load acts on a relatively small area of a structure, a static uniformly distributed load doesn't create specific stress points or vary with time, a dynamic load varies with time or affects a structure that experiences a high degree of movement, an impact load is sudden and for a relatively short duration and a non-uniformly distributed load creates different stresses at different locations on a structure.

Math Knowledge
c2 - a2

For this diagram, the Pythagorean theorem states that b2 = ?

c2 - a2

The Pythagorean theorem defines the relationship between the side lengths of a right triangle. The length of the hypotenuse squared (c2) is equal to the sum of the two perpendicular sides squared (a2 + b2): c2 = a2 + b2 or, solved for c, \(c = \sqrt{a + b}\)

Word Knowledge
Demean most nearly means:
To lower status.