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Sample Practice Test Questions

Electronics Information

Resistance and current are __________ proportional.


Resistance is opposition to the flow of current and is measured in ohms (Ω). One ohm is defined as the amount of resistance that will allow one ampere of current to flow if one volt of voltage is applied. As resistance increases, current decreases as resistance and current are inversely proportional.

Automotive Information

Which of the following is not part of an engine's cooling system?

air conditioner

The purpose of an automobile engine's cooling system is to circulate coolant around the engine so it can absorb and dissipate heat. The water pump pumps coolant through the various components in the system and the radiator cools down coolant after it has heated up after passing through the engine. The thermostat controls the flow of coolant based on engine temperature while the cooling fan draws air through the radiator when the car isn't moving fast enough for unforced air to cool things down on its own.

Word Knowledge
Cunning most nearly means:
Showing clever insight.
Word Knowledge
Condone most nearly means:
To treat as acceptable.
General Science

Which is the proper order of Earth's atmospheric layers from the surface up to space?

troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere

The troposphere is the closest layer to Earth, followed by the stratosphere, mesosphere, and finally the thermosphere which borders space.

Automotive Information

What provides the power necessary to start a car?


The battery supplies the power necessary to start the engine when the ignition switch is is turned on.

Mechanical Comprehension

The force exerted on an object due to gravity is called:


Mass is an intrinsic property of matter and does not vary. Weight is the force exerted on the mass of an object due to gravity and a specific case of Newton's Second Law of Motion. Replace force with weight and acceleration with acceleration due to gravity on Earth (g) and the result is the formula for weight: W = mg or, substituting for g, weight equals mass multiplied by 9.8 m/s2.

Word Knowledge
The accountant advised Justine not to report her incidental expenses.
Automotive Information

Piston rings are responsible for which of the following?

regulating oil distribution inside the cylinder

Cylinders act as a guide for the pistons that translate the heat energy of combustion into the mechanical energy necessary to move a vehicle. Piston rings seal the piston to the cylinder to contain combustion gases and also regulate the oil distribution between the piston and cylinder wall. A cylinder head closes in the top of the cylinder forming the combustion chamber which is sealed by a head gasket (head). The head provides space for air and fuel intake valves, exhaust valves, and mounts for spark plugs and fuel injectors.

Shop Information

Which of the following nuts prevent loosening via nylon in their threads?


Wrenches are used with threaded fasteners like bolts and nuts. A bolt has external threads while a nut has internal threads and this thread pattern combination allows them to lock together and act as fasteners. Nuts come in a variety of configurations including wing nuts which provide appendages that allow tightening and loosening by hand, slotted nuts that use a cotter pin to lock the nut in place and prevent it from loosening, and lock nuts that also prevent loosening via nylon in their threads. Threads are identified by pitch which is the number of threads per inch.