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Sample Practice Test Questions

Electronics Information

Which of the following will increase the magnetic field produced by the electric current in a wire?

wind the wire into a coil

A moving electric current produces a magnetic field proportional to the amount of current flow. This magnetic field can be made stronger by winding the wire into a coil and further enhanced if done around an iron containing (ferrous) core.

Electronics Information

Electromotive force is another name for:


Voltage (V) is the electrical potential difference between two points. Electrons will flow as current from areas of high potential (concentration of electrons) to areas of low potential. Voltage and current are directly proportional in that the higher the voltage applied to a conductor the higher the current that will result.

Automotive Information

The fluid reservoir stores the __________ that the master cylinder uses to maintain hydraulic pressure.

brake fluid

The fluid reservoir stores the brake fluid that the master cylinder uses to maintain hydraulic pressure.

Word Knowledge
Finite most nearly means:
Having definite limits.
Electronics Information

You would measure the amount of voltage between two points in a circuit with a(n):


Voltage (V) is the electrical potential difference between two points. A voltmeter is used to measure the voltage between two points in a circuit.

Word Knowledge
Discern most nearly means:
To recognize as separate as distinct.
Word Knowledge
Lurid most nearly means:
Causing horror, shocking.
General Science

Which of the following is not a base unit in the metric system?

degree Fahrenheit

The Fahrenheit scale is used for measuring temperature in the British system. The metric system uses the Celsius scale.

General Science

The connective tissue that connects bones to other bones at joints is called:


Tough fibrous cords of connective tissue called tendons connect muscles to the skeleton while another type of connective tissue called ligaments connect bones to other bones at joints (elbow, knee, fingers, spinal column).

Math Knowledge

The formula for volume of a cube in terms of height (h), length (l), and width (w) is which of the following?

h x l x w

A cube is a rectangular solid box with a height (h), length (l), and width (w). The volume is h x l x w and the surface area is 2lw x 2wh + 2lh.