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Sample Practice Test Questions

General Science

An endoskeleton (internal skeleton) is a charateristic of __________ animals, including humans.


An endoskeleton (internal skeleton) is a charateristic of vertebrate animals, including humans.

Mechanical Comprehension

The steering wheel of a car is an example of which type of simple machine?

wheel and axle

A wheel and axle uses two different diameter wheels mounted to a connecting axle. Force is applied to the larger wheel and large movements of this wheel result in small movements in the smaller wheel. Because a larger movement distance is being translated to a smaller distance, force is increased with a mechanical advantage equal to the ratio of the diameters of the wheels. An example of a wheel and axle is the steering wheel of a car.

Word Knowledge
Opportune most nearly means:
Suitable or convenient.
Word Knowledge
Turmoil most nearly means:
Extreme confusion, agitation.
Word Knowledge
Archaic most nearly means:
Characteristic of an earlier time.
Word Knowledge
Charlie was in awe of his uncle, a professional football player and chess champion.
Emotion combining dread and wonder.
Mechanical Comprehension
48.89 lbs. If A = 10 ft., B = 1 ft., C = 9 ft., the green box weighs 50 lbs. and the blue box weighs 60 lbs., what does the orange box have to weigh for this lever to balance?
48.89 lbs.
In order for this lever to balance, the torque acting on each side of the fulrum must be equal. So, the torque produced by A must equal the torque produced by B and C. Torque is weight x distance from the fulcrum which means that the following must be true for the lever to balance:

fAdA = fBdB + fCdC

For this problem, this equation becomes:

50 lbs. x 10 ft. = 60 lbs. x 1 ft. + fC x 9 ft.

500 ft. lbs. = 60 ft. lbs. + fC x 9 ft.

fC = \( \frac{500 ft. lbs. - 60 ft. lbs.}{9 ft.} \) = \( \frac{440 ft. lbs.}{9 ft.} \) = 48.89 lbs.

Word Knowledge
Raucous most nearly means:
Noisy, rowdy.
Mechanical Comprehension

What type of load creates different stresses at different locations on a structure?

non-uniformly distributed load

A concentrated load acts on a relatively small area of a structure, a static uniformly distributed load doesn't create specific stress points or vary with time, a dynamic load varies with time or affects a structure that experiences a high degree of movement, an impact load is sudden and for a relatively short duration and a non-uniformly distributed load creates different stresses at different locations on a structure.

Electronics Information

Which of the following is the preferred method for splicing wires?


Splicing is permanently joining two wires together. Splicing can be done with screw-on connectors or wire crimps but the preferred method for splicing is soldering. Soldering takes the most effort but results in a connection that is electrically and mechanically identical to the original wire.