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Sample Practice Test Questions

Arithmetic Reasoning

Ezra loaned Monica $1,100 at an annual interest rate of 7%. If no payments are made, what is the total amount owed at the end of the first year?


The yearly interest charged on this loan is the annual interest rate multiplied by the amount borrowed:

interest = annual interest rate x loan amount

i = (\( \frac{6}{100} \)) x $1,100
i = 0.07 x $1,100

No payments were made so the total amount due is the original amount + the accumulated interest:

total = $1,100 + $77
total = $1,177

Math Knowledge

If side x = 12cm, side y = 9cm, and side z = 9cm what is the perimeter of this triangle?


The perimeter of a triangle is the sum of the lengths of its sides:

p = x + y + z
p = 12cm + 9cm + 9cm = 30cm

Mechanical Comprehension

Friction resists movement in a direction __________ to the movement.


Friction resists movement. Kinetic (also called sliding or dynamic) friction resists movement in a direction opposite to the movement. Because it opposes movement, kinetic friction will eventually bring an object to a stop. An example is a rock that's sliding across ice.

General Science

In taxonomy, domains are the broadest classification of life. How many domains are there?


The broadest classification of life splits all organisms into three groups called domains. The three domains of life are bacteria, archaea and eukaryota.

General Science

The two heart chambers that pump blood called:


The heart is the organ that drives the circulatory system. In humans, it consists of four chambers with two that collect blood called atria and two that pump blood called ventricles. The heart's valves prevent blood pumped out of the ventricles from flowing back into the heart.

Automotive Information

Opposed cylinder designs feature two rows of cylinders that are placed at what angle to each other?


Opposed cylinder designs place cylinders flat in two rows 180° opposite each other with a single crankshaft running between them.

Word Knowledge
Onset most nearly means:
General Science

The crust and lithosphere of the Earth is made up of which of the following?


The crust and the rigid lithosphere (upper mantle) is made up approximately thirty separate plates. These plates more very slowly on the slightly more liquid mantle (asthenosphere) beneath them. This movement has resulted in continental drift which is the gradual movement of land masses across Earth's surface. Continental drift is a very slow process, occurring over hundreds of millions of years.

Electronics Information

The electrical potential difference between two points is called:


Voltage (V) is the electrical potential difference between two points. Electrons will flow as current from areas of high potential (concentration of electrons) to areas of low potential. Voltage and current are directly proportional in that the higher the voltage applied to a conductor the higher the current that will result.

Electronics Information

Which of the following is the preferred method for splicing wires?


Splicing is permanently joining two wires together. Splicing can be done with screw-on connectors or wire crimps but the preferred method for splicing is soldering. Soldering takes the most effort but results in a connection that is electrically and mechanically identical to the original wire.