ASVAB Arithmetic Reasoning Miscellaneous Practice Test 582521

Question 1 of 5
Scientific Notation

Scientific notation is a method of writing very small or very large numbers. The first part will be a number between one and ten (typically a decimal) and the second part will be a power of 10. For example, 98,760 in scientific notation is 9.876 x 104 with the 4 indicating the number of places the decimal point was moved to the left. A power of 10 with a negative exponent indicates that the decimal point was moved to the right. For example, 0.0123 in scientific notation is 1.23 x 10-2.

Convert 8,543,000 to scientific notation.

8.543 x 10-5
8.543 x 10-6
8.543 x 107
8.543 x 106