ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 611713

Questions 5
Words combative, flaunt, gravity, mandate, naive

Study Guide

The definition for combative is "Eager to fight." Used in a sentence: The teacher suggested the combative student channel his aggression into boxing.
The definition for flaunt is "To display showily." Used in a sentence: Sheila, who could not resist bragging, flaunted the "A" marked on her test paper.
The definition for gravity is "Importance, significance." Used in a sentence: Understanding the gravity of his error, Ken offered his humblest apology.
The definition for mandate is "An official order or commission to do something." Used in a sentence: Martha reluctantly obeyed the mandate to vacate her apartment.
The definition for naive is "Lacking worldy wisdom." Used in a sentence: The naive Simon assumed that everyone was as simple and kind as he was.