ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 814323

Questions 5
Words augment, demeanor, pantomime, scamper, unscrupulous

Study Guide

The definition for augment is "To make greater." Used in a sentence: Wanda read the dictionary every night to augment her vocabulary.
The definition for demeanor is "Behavior towards others." Used in a sentence: Carlos was well liked because of his charming demeanor.
The definition for pantomime is "Telling a story through gestures." Used in a sentence: The jealous actress called her understudy's performance a ridiculous pantomime.
The definition for scamper is "To run quickly." Used in a sentence: The frightened kitten scampered away from the butterfly.
The definition for unscrupulous is "Lacking principles." Used in a sentence: The unscrupulous salesman was fired for lying to his customers.