ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 659574

Questions 5
Words adversary, condone, gravity, perception, turmoil

Study Guide

The definition for adversary is "One who opposes or resists." Used in a sentence: Franklin hoped to defeat his adversary in the afternoon's tennis match.
The definition for condone is "To treat as acceptable." Used in a sentence: Crystal condoned her friend's late arrival because she found it hard to be on time herself.
The definition for gravity is "Importance, significance." Used in a sentence: Understanding the gravity of his error, Ken offered his humblest apology.
The definition for perception is "Capacity for seeing or understanding." Used in a sentence: His incredible perception made him the best detective on the force.
The definition for turmoil is "Extreme confusion, agitation." Used in a sentence: The windstorm caused such turmoil in the lake that the sailboat capsized.