ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 922783

Questions 5
Words demean, dubious, egotist, incisive, turpitude

Study Guide

The definition for demean is "To lower status." Used in a sentence: The embarrassing photograph demeaned the candidate in the eyes of the voters.
The definition for dubious is "Questionable." Used in a sentence: Karl found Kevin's claim that he was sick dubious, as he had just seen him playing football.
The definition for egotist is "Self–important person." Used in a sentence: Darren dreaded carpooling with the egotist Shelly, who talked about herself nonstop.
The definition for incisive is "Impressively direct and decisive." Used in a sentence: Samir's incisive leadership made him the natural choice for president of the company.
The definition for turpitude is "Essential baseness, depravity." Used in a sentence: The turpitude of the villain in the movie offended most audiences.