ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 168478

Questions 5
Words anthology, avian, heinous, moderate, straddle

Study Guide

The definition for anthology is "A collection of selected literary pieces." Used in a sentence: The writer was thrilled when his story was included in an anthology of American masterpieces.
The definition for avian is "Relating to birds." Used in a sentence: The old man affectionately referred to pigeons as his "avian friends."
The definition for heinous is "Shockingly evil." Used in a sentence: Eduardo's heinous betrayal of Lydia shocked even Latasha, who knew his evil ways.
The definition for moderate is "Tending toward the average." Used in a sentence: The best–selling writer was disappointed; his new novel was only a moderate success.
The definition for straddle is "To favor opposing sides." Used in a sentence: Kia straddled the issue, not wanting to say whether James or Tara was right.