ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 934186

Questions 5
Words accommodate, buffoonery, pomp, redouble, solace

Study Guide

The definition for accommodate is "To give consideration to." Used in a sentence: The hospitable couple was happy to accommodate the needs of their finicky guest.
The definition for buffoonery is "Foolish behavior." Used in a sentence: Clarence, an irrepressible comic, was held after cass for his buffoonery.
The definition for pomp is "Showy display." Used in a sentence: Jan couldn't help enjoying the pomp of the elaborate wedding ceremony.
The definition for redouble is "To make twice as great." Used in a sentence: As the sun began to set, Brittany redoubled her effort to find the necklace she had dropped in the field.
The definition for solace is "Source of consolation." Used in a sentence: Parents' weekend was a solace to Marjorie, whose beloved daughter had left for college.