ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 805355

Questions 5
Words buffer, deferment, methodical, periodic, refurbish

Study Guide

The definition for buffer is "Protective barrier." Used in a sentence: The dense trees acted as a buffer against the heavy rain.
The definition for deferment is "The act of delaying." Used in a sentence: Sybil was frustrated by the deferment of her much anticipated vacation.
The definition for methodical is "Performed in an orderly manner." Used in a sentence: Oscar's methodical approach exasperated his free–spirited friend Ben.
The definition for periodic is "Occurring at regular intervals." Used in a sentence: The periodic innterruptions of the cuckoo clock prevented Li from concentrating.
The definition for refurbish is "To brighten or freshen." Used in a sentence: Leeanne cleaned and mended all weekend to refurbish the shabby apartment.