ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 605351

Questions 5
Words beneficial, benevolent, penurious, pretentious, prominence

Study Guide

The definition for beneficial is "Helpful." Used in a sentence: there is no doubt that eating vegetables is beneficial to one's health.
The definition for benevolent is "Kind, helpful." Used in a sentence: Sherman revealed his benevolent side when he offered to help Carter with his homework.
The definition for penurious is "Extrememly stingy." Used in a sentence: Ebenezer Scrooge was most penurious, refusing to give even a penny to charity.
The definition for pretentious is "Making unjustified claims." Used in a sentence: The pretentious boy said that he was the fastest runner, but he finished last in the race.
The definition for prominence is "Importance." Used in a sentence: The singer's prominence ensured that the concert would sell out.