ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 699880

Questions 5
Words embellish, flaunt, gargantuan, refurbish, revoke

Study Guide

The definition for embellish is "To decorate." Used in a sentence: Sari embellished the plain curtains with satin ribbons and tassels.
The definition for flaunt is "To display showily." Used in a sentence: Sheila, who could not resist bragging, flaunted the "A" marked on her test paper.
The definition for gargantuan is "Gigantic." Used in a sentence: The gargantuan monster towered over the ten–story bulding.
The definition for refurbish is "To brighten or freshen." Used in a sentence: Leeanne cleaned and mended all weekend to refurbish the shabby apartment.
The definition for revoke is "To cancel by taking back." Used in a sentence: After Kal's father revoked his allowance, he had no money for the movies.