ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 408937

Questions 5
Words aesthete, antidote, condone, gravity, melee

Study Guide

The definition for aesthete is "Person having or affecting sensitivity to beauty." Used in a sentence: Consuela's friends called her an aesthete when she claimed that Monet's paintings made her cry.
The definition for antidote is "Something that relieves or counteracts." Used in a sentence: Veronique found that listening to French music was an antidote for her homesickness.
The definition for condone is "To treat as acceptable." Used in a sentence: Crystal condoned her friend's late arrival because she found it hard to be on time herself.
The definition for gravity is "Importance, significance." Used in a sentence: Understanding the gravity of his error, Ken offered his humblest apology.
The definition for melee is "A tumultuous fight among several people." Used in a sentence: After the game, a melee broke out between fans of the opposing teams.