ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 830720

Questions 5
Words eulogy, finite, incisive, moderate, sociable

Study Guide

The definition for eulogy is "Speech or writing in praise of deceased." Used in a sentence: Ernesto delivered a moving eulogy at his uncle's funeral.
The definition for finite is "Having definite limits." Used in a sentence: The exasperated mother had finite patience for her toddler's tantrums.
The definition for incisive is "Impressively direct and decisive." Used in a sentence: Samir's incisive leadership made him the natural choice for president of the company.
The definition for moderate is "Tending toward the average." Used in a sentence: The best–selling writer was disappointed; his new novel was only a moderate success.
The definition for sociable is "Inclined to seek companionship." Used in a sentence: The sociable Glenda was delighted to receive the party invitation.