ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 472423

Questions 5
Words aerate, buffer, demeanor, grandiose, proximity

Study Guide

The definition for aerate is "To supply with air." Used in a sentence: Every spring, Soloman used his tiller to aerate the compact soil.
The definition for buffer is "Protective barrier." Used in a sentence: The dense trees acted as a buffer against the heavy rain.
The definition for demeanor is "Behavior towards others." Used in a sentence: Carlos was well liked because of his charming demeanor.
The definition for grandiose is "With an affectation of grandeur." Used in a sentence: The sweeping, grandiose staircase looked preposterous in the modest entry hall.
The definition for proximity is "Closeness." Used in a sentence: The proximity of Tia's house to school meant that she could walk there in five minutes.