ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 922756

Questions 5
Words accommodate, elate, methodical, penurious, scapegoat

Study Guide

The definition for accommodate is "To give consideration to." Used in a sentence: The hospitable couple was happy to accommodate the needs of their finicky guest.
The definition for elate is "To fill with joy." Used in a sentence: It elated Margaret to be awarded first place in the science fair.
The definition for methodical is "Performed in an orderly manner." Used in a sentence: Oscar's methodical approach exasperated his free–spirited friend Ben.
The definition for penurious is "Extrememly stingy." Used in a sentence: Ebenezer Scrooge was most penurious, refusing to give even a penny to charity.
The definition for scapegoat is "Someone who bears the blame for others." Used in a sentence: Audrey used her innocent baby brother as a scapegoat for the missing cookies.