ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 879219

Questions 5
Words aesthete, distortion, implausible, meticulous, regurgitate

Study Guide

The definition for aesthete is "Person having or affecting sensitivity to beauty." Used in a sentence: Consuela's friends called her an aesthete when she claimed that Monet's paintings made her cry.
The definition for distortion is "The act of twisting out of shape." Used in a sentence: The story about the actress in the gossip column was a distortion of the truth.
The definition for implausible is "Unbelievable." Used in a sentence: Claudia's implausible excuse failed to convince her teacher.
The definition for meticulous is "Extrememly careful regarding details." Used in a sentence: The meticulous detective found every shred of evidence at the crime scene.
The definition for regurgitate is "To pour out or throw back." Used in a sentence: The teacher wanted us to examine ideas rather than to regurgitate memorized facts.