ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 795448

Questions 5
Words drub, embellish, entangle, epitaph, scapegoat

Study Guide

The definition for drub is "To defeat decisively." Used in a sentence: The powerful young boxer drubbed the longtime champion.
The definition for embellish is "To decorate." Used in a sentence: Sari embellished the plain curtains with satin ribbons and tassels.
The definition for entangle is "To involve in trouble." Used in a sentence: Jonah regretted entangling Parker in his legal difficulties.
The definition for epitaph is "Brief statement honoring a dead person." Used in a sentence: "Beloved by all,"" was the epitaph Edgar chose for his wife's tombstone.
The definition for scapegoat is "Someone who bears the blame for others." Used in a sentence: Audrey used her innocent baby brother as a scapegoat for the missing cookies.