ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 214240

Questions 5
Words authoritarian, compulsion, impenitent, implement, preclude

Study Guide

The definition for authoritarian is "Favoring absolute obedience to authority." Used in a sentence: Marco's authoritarian mother never allowed him to watch more than one hour of television a day.
The definition for compulsion is "An irresistible impulse." Used in a sentence: Tamar, a shoe fanatic, could not resist the compulsion to buy the shiny red boots.
The definition for impenitent is "Lacking remorse." Used in a sentence: The impenitent criminal received a harsh penalty, but his remorseful accomplice was released.
The definition for implement is "To carry out or accomplish." Used in a sentence: All Randolph needed to implement his plan was a moonless night and a long rope.
The definition for preclude is "To rule out in advance." Used in a sentence: "Having cake now will preclude dessert later," said Amber's mother.