ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 959128

Questions 5
Words censure, extant, interminable, methodical, procrastinate

Study Guide

The definition for censure is "To find fault with." Used in a sentence: The critical teacher was quick to censure her students for even small mistakes.
The definition for extant is "Currently existing." Used in a sentence: Some consider Clint Eastwood the greatest extant American director.
The definition for interminable is "Never ending, or seemingly endless." Used in a sentence: The impatient Zoe found the longwinded lecture interminable.
The definition for methodical is "Performed in an orderly manner." Used in a sentence: Oscar's methodical approach exasperated his free–spirited friend Ben.
The definition for procrastinate is "To put off intentionally." Used in a sentence: Yvonne's father urged, "Don't procrastinate. Clean your room right away."