ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 409064

Questions 5
Words absolve, demean, heed, plaudits, turmoil

Study Guide

The definition for absolve is "To forgive; to free from guilt." Used in a sentence: Marta felt greatly relieved after her mother absolved her for breaking the vase.
The definition for demean is "To lower status." Used in a sentence: The embarrassing photograph demeaned the candidate in the eyes of the voters.
The definition for heed is "To pay attention to." Used in a sentence: "Heed my advice," the fortuneteller warned Sebastian when he tried to ignore her prophecy.
The definition for plaudits is "Enthusiastic approval." Used in a sentence: Allison's painting met with plaudits from the critics, who had dismissed her earlier work.
The definition for turmoil is "Extreme confusion, agitation." Used in a sentence: The windstorm caused such turmoil in the lake that the sailboat capsized.