ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 967834

Questions 5
Words apathetic, corroborate, genial, polarize, straddle

Study Guide

The definition for apathetic is "Showing little or no emotion." Used in a sentence: Carmine was concerned about his usually cheerful brother's apathetic attitude.
The definition for corroborate is "To support with evidence." Used in a sentence: "Unless you can corroborate your story, it will not be admissible in court," the attorney told his client.
The definition for genial is "Sympathetic, friendly." Used in a sentence: The genial host warmly greeted his many guests.
The definition for polarize is "To break up into opposing groups." Used in a sentence: Thelma tended to polarize discussions rather than to encourage compromise.
The definition for straddle is "To favor opposing sides." Used in a sentence: Kia straddled the issue, not wanting to say whether James or Tara was right.