ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 767252

Questions 5
Words clairvoyance, derivative, hedonism, mandate, prominence

Study Guide

The definition for clairvoyance is "Ability to see things beyond ordinary perception." Used in a sentence: Rosa used her clairvoyance to help Alexander find his lost keys.
The definition for derivative is "Lacking originality." Used in a sentence: Critics panned the movie as a derivative version of last year's Best Picture.
The definition for hedonism is "Belief that pleasure is the sole aim of life." Used in a sentence: The hedonism of the emperoro, who spent all his time giving parties, caused his downfall.
The definition for mandate is "An official order or commission to do something." Used in a sentence: Martha reluctantly obeyed the mandate to vacate her apartment.
The definition for prominence is "Importance." Used in a sentence: The singer's prominence ensured that the concert would sell out.