ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 531796

Questions 5
Words authoritarian, clairvoyance, extol, fidelity, inauspicious

Study Guide

The definition for authoritarian is "Favoring absolute obedience to authority." Used in a sentence: Marco's authoritarian mother never allowed him to watch more than one hour of television a day.
The definition for clairvoyance is "Ability to see things beyond ordinary perception." Used in a sentence: Rosa used her clairvoyance to help Alexander find his lost keys.
The definition for extol is "To praise highly." Used in a sentence: The statesman extolled the ambassador who single–handedly negotiated the peace treaty.
The definition for fidelity is "State of being faithful." Used in a sentence: Unlike her fickle friend Benji, May Belle was known for her fidelity.
The definition for inauspicious is "Not favorable." Used in a sentence: Gary believed the black foreboding sky was an inauspicious sign.