ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 675772

Questions 5
Words aesthete, anthology, benefactor, indecorous, ramble

Study Guide

The definition for aesthete is "Person having or affecting sensitivity to beauty." Used in a sentence: Consuela's friends called her an aesthete when she claimed that Monet's paintings made her cry.
The definition for anthology is "A collection of selected literary pieces." Used in a sentence: The writer was thrilled when his story was included in an anthology of American masterpieces.
The definition for benefactor is "One who offers financial help." Used in a sentence: Michael's aunt and benefactor paid his college tuition.
The definition for indecorous is "In bad taste." Used in a sentence: My parents banned Chad from our house because of his indecorous behavior at dinner.
The definition for ramble is "To wander, physically or in language." Used in a sentence: Professor Tan rambled during his lectures, frequently straying from the subject.