ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 92381

Questions 5
Words combustion, demeanor, eloquent, promote, straddle

Study Guide

The definition for combustion is "Act of burning." Used in a sentence: Campers must use fire with great caution to prevent combustion of the parched brush.
The definition for demeanor is "Behavior towards others." Used in a sentence: Carlos was well liked because of his charming demeanor.
The definition for eloquent is "Fluent, expressive." Used in a sentence: Kim, an eloquent speaker, was the best choice to make the presentation for the group.
The definition for promote is "To contribute to the growth or prosperity of." Used in a sentence: The promote peace, the diplomat hosted a talk between the warring nations.
The definition for straddle is "To favor opposing sides." Used in a sentence: Kia straddled the issue, not wanting to say whether James or Tara was right.