ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 672549

Questions 5
Words extant, inauspicious, incumbent, negate, recrimination

Study Guide

The definition for extant is "Currently existing." Used in a sentence: Some consider Clint Eastwood the greatest extant American director.
The definition for inauspicious is "Not favorable." Used in a sentence: Gary believed the black foreboding sky was an inauspicious sign.
The definition for incumbent is "Necessary as a duty or responsibility." Used in a sentence: It was incumbent on Jack to attend his father's retirement party.
The definition for negate is "To make invalid." Used in a sentence: Paula negated Tiffany's argument by proving that her main premise was false.
The definition for recrimination is "A retaliatory accusation." Used in a sentence: Frank, who was wounded by Sally's remark, made a bitter recrimination.