ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 146917

Questions 5
Words aerate, conduit, plaudits, rehash, straddle

Study Guide

The definition for aerate is "To supply with air." Used in a sentence: Every spring, Soloman used his tiller to aerate the compact soil.
The definition for conduit is "Means for transmitting or distributing." Used in a sentence: Jason, a notorious gossip, was a conduit for information about his friends.
The definition for plaudits is "Enthusiastic approval." Used in a sentence: Allison's painting met with plaudits from the critics, who had dismissed her earlier work.
The definition for rehash is "To discuss again." Used in a sentence: "Sandra," said her mother, "I am tired of rehashing this same topic over and over."
The definition for straddle is "To favor opposing sides." Used in a sentence: Kia straddled the issue, not wanting to say whether James or Tara was right.