ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 327715

Questions 5
Words clairvoyance, condone, demean, fidelity, stifle

Study Guide

The definition for clairvoyance is "Ability to see things beyond ordinary perception." Used in a sentence: Rosa used her clairvoyance to help Alexander find his lost keys.
The definition for condone is "To treat as acceptable." Used in a sentence: Crystal condoned her friend's late arrival because she found it hard to be on time herself.
The definition for demean is "To lower status." Used in a sentence: The embarrassing photograph demeaned the candidate in the eyes of the voters.
The definition for fidelity is "State of being faithful." Used in a sentence: Unlike her fickle friend Benji, May Belle was known for her fidelity.
The definition for stifle is "To repress or discourage." Used in a sentence: Amy tried ineffectively to stifle her giggles after she read Susan's note in class.