ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 857377

Questions 5
Words aerate, commemorate, induce, refurbish, unscrupulous

Study Guide

The definition for aerate is "To supply with air." Used in a sentence: Every spring, Soloman used his tiller to aerate the compact soil.
The definition for commemorate is "To mark by a ceremony." Used in a sentence: Each year, the Franklins commemorate their anniversary by visiting the site of their first date.
The definition for induce is "To influence or cause." Used in a sentence: The loud blast of the cannon induced an avalanche.
The definition for refurbish is "To brighten or freshen." Used in a sentence: Leeanne cleaned and mended all weekend to refurbish the shabby apartment.
The definition for unscrupulous is "Lacking principles." Used in a sentence: The unscrupulous salesman was fired for lying to his customers.