ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 819453

Questions 5
Words censure, extol, inviolable, naive, ploy

Study Guide

The definition for censure is "To find fault with." Used in a sentence: The critical teacher was quick to censure her students for even small mistakes.
The definition for extol is "To praise highly." Used in a sentence: The statesman extolled the ambassador who single–handedly negotiated the peace treaty.
The definition for inviolable is "Secure from assault of trespass." Used in a sentence: Situated on a mountain, with sixteen–foot walls, the castle was inviolable.
The definition for naive is "Lacking worldy wisdom." Used in a sentence: The naive Simon assumed that everyone was as simple and kind as he was.
The definition for ploy is "A contrived plan." Used in a sentence: Sarah thought George's ploy of borrowing her notes was a cowardly way to ask her out.