ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 372105

Questions 5
Words absolve, appraise, archaic, drab, illuminate

Study Guide

The definition for absolve is "To forgive; to free from guilt." Used in a sentence: Marta felt greatly relieved after her mother absolved her for breaking the vase.
The definition for appraise is "To evaluate the worth of." Used in a sentence: Simone, an expert in African sculpture, was asked to appraise the ambassador's collection of masks.
The definition for archaic is "Characteristic of an earlier time." Used in a sentence: In the world of high fashion, two–year–old shoes are considered positively archaic.
The definition for drab is "Dull, monotonous." Used in a sentence: The drab winter scene made Keisha long for the vibrant colors of spring.
The definition for illuminate is "To make clear." Used in a sentence: Her excellent lecture illuminated the complicated subject of nuclear physics.