ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 894656

Questions 5
Words brandish, egotist, fraud, prominence, stifle

Study Guide

The definition for brandish is "To shake or wave menacingly." Used in a sentence: The baseball player was fined for brandishing his bat at the opposing pitcher.
The definition for egotist is "Self–important person." Used in a sentence: Darren dreaded carpooling with the egotist Shelly, who talked about herself nonstop.
The definition for fraud is "Trick." Used in a sentence: The con man's fraud involved selling swampland to gullible investors.
The definition for prominence is "Importance." Used in a sentence: The singer's prominence ensured that the concert would sell out.
The definition for stifle is "To repress or discourage." Used in a sentence: Amy tried ineffectively to stifle her giggles after she read Susan's note in class.