ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 416695

Questions 5
Words inauspicious, melodious, meticulous, ramble, unscrupulous

Study Guide

The definition for inauspicious is "Not favorable." Used in a sentence: Gary believed the black foreboding sky was an inauspicious sign.
The definition for melodious is "Having a pleasing melody." Used in a sentence: The melodious sounds of the symphony soothed Tim after his trying day.
The definition for meticulous is "Extrememly careful regarding details." Used in a sentence: The meticulous detective found every shred of evidence at the crime scene.
The definition for ramble is "To wander, physically or in language." Used in a sentence: Professor Tan rambled during his lectures, frequently straying from the subject.
The definition for unscrupulous is "Lacking principles." Used in a sentence: The unscrupulous salesman was fired for lying to his customers.