ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 270629

Questions 5
Words accentuate, oblivious, pomp, ramble, sociable

Study Guide

The definition for accentuate is "To emphasize." Used in a sentence: Carla used red ribbons to accentuate the coppery tones in her hair.
The definition for oblivious is "Lacking awareness." Used in a sentence: Love–struck Charlie was oblivious to everyone but the object of his affection.
The definition for pomp is "Showy display." Used in a sentence: Jan couldn't help enjoying the pomp of the elaborate wedding ceremony.
The definition for ramble is "To wander, physically or in language." Used in a sentence: Professor Tan rambled during his lectures, frequently straying from the subject.
The definition for sociable is "Inclined to seek companionship." Used in a sentence: The sociable Glenda was delighted to receive the party invitation.