ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 699761

Questions 5
Words commemorate, garish, hedonism, pomp, prune

Study Guide

The definition for commemorate is "To mark by a ceremony." Used in a sentence: Each year, the Franklins commemorate their anniversary by visiting the site of their first date.
The definition for garish is "Offensively bright." Used in a sentence: The garish wallpaper offended Jerome, who preferred subtle colors.
The definition for hedonism is "Belief that pleasure is the sole aim of life." Used in a sentence: The hedonism of the emperoro, who spent all his time giving parties, caused his downfall.
The definition for pomp is "Showy display." Used in a sentence: Jan couldn't help enjoying the pomp of the elaborate wedding ceremony.
The definition for prune is "To reduce by removing excess." Used in a sentence: The candidate pruned his speech so he would not exceed the time limit.